In battle over future of Canada’s largest Chinatown there are fears of a ‘freeway of condos’

Douglas Quan, National Post, May 28, 2017

VANCOUVER — In this city of towering glass, it could easily have been overlooked as “just another condo.”

But a proposed 12-storey condominium in the heart of Vancouver’s iconic Chinatown has stoked a red-hot debate unseen in this city for years, pitting those who believe the development is needed to revitalize the neighbourhood against those who fear the project will further erode the area’s unique character. Read more…

Shirley Chan’s family played a pivotal role in stopping the freeway project. (Scanned photos)


Chinatown fight over 12-storey condo has deep roots


Is a condo building like a tree? Speakers have their say on controversial Chinatown proposal